Master Guang Xuan at Ciu Kung San in 2006,( Wuhan-China)
GRAND MASTER GUANG XUAN (1912- APRIL 2011)-------- OMITOFO------------XIE-XIE
These are several links to G.M Guang Xuan's videos:
Official website of Pu Zhao Chan Si (普照禪寺):
Video about Shifu Guang Xuan (廣玄大和尚) posted by different people out there:
廣玄大和尚生日慶典(上) Master Guang Xuan Birthday Celebration (1/2). Video taken end of December 2008:
廣玄大和尚生日慶典(下)Master Guang Xuan Birthday Celebration (2/2)
This video is about 40 minutes long. It is an introduction about Master Guang Xuan ()廣玄大和尚) and Pu Zhao Chan Si Temple (普照禪寺). This video was recorded in August 2008. It describes a brief biography of Master Guang Xuan and gives the explanation about the different color and building structure of Pu Zhao Chan Si Temple in Fujian, China: