Thursday, January 27, 2011

Videos of a Buddhist who knew in advance his/her own departure. Part 3

Amitabha Budhha (阿彌陀佛) existences is for real, ( billions/unaccountable years  ago up to the present and to the -unaccountable years- future), there were numerous evidence from the past to the present of the power of Amitabha Buddha. Those who recite His name sincerely will be born in Pureland of Amitabha Buddha. The most recent evidence was Master Guang Qing  (廣欽老和尚)who entered Pureland in 1986. The remarkable photo evidence of  Master Guang Qing  entering Nirvana can be seen at this link:

This is another video, about an old granny  from China who recited Amitabha Buddha's names sincerely, and Kuan Im Posat (觀音菩薩) let her know in advance that Amitabha Buddha (阿彌陀佛)was going to pick her up to His Pureland (Heaven of Amitabha Buddha (西方極樂世界)) within 49 days. When the day came , and this old granny really passed away reciting Amitabha Buddha's name. The video link is here , taken from part 1, part 2
This video was made based on true story.
However there is another video which was taken exactly when the Buddhist practitioner was  still alive and it was recorded until this old man passed away as exactly being told to him by Amitabha Buddha. This man passed away in 2003, in Si Chuan, China (四川), he foretold his own death day February 23, 2003 at 12  noon.

And they recorded this man's last 7 days living in the temple in the video. I watched this video already, however I gave it to others. I will try look for the link somewhere.

This is the video I am talking about. Just click it and you will watch video about a Buddhist Practitioner who sincerely recited Amitabha Buddha's names and he knew the date and time and year he was going to depart this world and they recorded the event of this old man 7 days before he passed away on the date exactly as was promised by the Buddha to him in a dream.

 They conducted 7 days of reciting Buddha's names in the temple in Si Chuan,China and they also recorded this event alive until this man bid  farewell to everybody and departed this world while reciting Budhha's name. Here is the link.( I will give details explanation in English about this video when I have time).


48 vows of Amitabha Buddhas were made by Amitabha Buddha 10 kalpas ago(according to Amitabha Sutra)*.
From these 48 vows, 3 are very imporatant aspects to sentient being living in this earth. These vows no: 18, 19 and 20 have a good direct impact to our lifes here. These 3 vows are:

Vow 18: If I become a Buddha, the beings of the ten directions who after hearing my name, and thus awakened their highest faith and aspiration of rebirth in my country, even they only have such a thought of ten times, they are destinied to be born there( with the exception those who created five big offences/karma and those who blasphemed the Dharma), otherwise I will not become a Buddha.

Vow 19: If I become a Buddha, the beings of ten directions, who have directed their thoughts towards the Bodhi and cultivate various merits in the hope of rebirth in my country ( will be born in my country), if at the moment of their death, I don't come to fetch them with my assembly of retinue, then I will not become a Buddha.

Vow 20: Provided I become a Buddha, if the beings of ten directions, after having heard my name and longing to be born there, and they cultivate various merits for the purpose to be born in my heaven( Sukhavati Heaven), if they expectation failed, then I will not become a Buddha.
Then the rest of the 48 vows are mainly concern about: the conditions/ the goodness in this heaven, and the characteristics of this heaven.
*according to WikIpedia, 1 kalpa(aoen) derived from Sangskrit word(कल्प kalpa). According to India's system, 1 kalpa is equal 4,32 billion years. So 10x4,32 billion=43,2 billion years.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Grand Master Guang Xuan Dharma Talk 學佛格言百則 - 廣玄法師著

I will give a tribute to Mrs. Aiteen for uploading this Grand Master Guang Xuan Dharma Talk. May she be blessed.

Monday, January 17, 2011

How I Met Grand Master Guang Xuan in China in 2008

In 2008 as Financial Crisis widespread in USA, at that time gasoline hit a record high of 4,8 per gallon. And this time I realized how  tragic this life is, many people  suffered. Finally I sat alone in the chair and thinking: How impermanent this life is? and decided: Yes my time to become a monk had finally arrive( after a long waiting -it's 19 years in waiting to become a monk).

In 2008, one of my disciple from Indonesia contacted me about a 100 years old monk they were going to visit in China, and they urged me to come along. I still hesitated at that time, for from my experience I  got lots of uncomfortable feeling about becoming a monk. But considering his age , I thought maybe I was going to find him worthy of visit and who knows I could became his disciple.

So I called my friend to find out more information about this monk.. So I was confirmed that this was the correct monk I was looking for to become my teacher. So immediately I bought a ticket to China.

First I went to Guangzhou (廣州) and met my Indonesian disciple there. And together went to Pu Zhao Chan Si Temple in China. So there at Pu Zhao Chan Si Temple I met Shifu Guang Xuan  (廣玄師父) for the first time. After observing his conduct for two weeks, I became his disciple. ( I got to make sure he don't involve with politics, power, name). When monks involve themselves with politics, seek power, fame, they are just destroying themselves in the long run.

So I finally shave my head and become a novice monk (Samanera, in Sanskrit) or ( 沙彌 in Chinese) there at Pu Zhao Chan Si Temple China. There were many conversation I have with Shifu Guang Xuan at that time which I conclude he is one of the few good monks left in this world. 

Master Guang Xuan always teaches me to be humble and low profile at all time. Besides, this is  his motto: One day no work, one day no eat.

At the  time Shifu shaved my head he told me to become a monk , we possessed nothing, no money, no fame, nothing left at all. only the soul left. He asked me could I do it? I said Yes, that's what I was looking for for a long time. That's how I end up meeting Master Guang Xuan and become a monk.


Pada tahun 2008, krisis economy menimpa America, harga minyak mencapai angka tertinggi yaitu sekitar $4,8 US per gallon. Banyak orang menderita akibatnya. Banyak perusahaan besar America bangkrut. Penderitaan dengan nyata terlihat dimana-mana. Sampai akhirnya satu hari saya duduk di kursi dan pikir kayaknya waktunya saya untuk jadi bhiksu sampai juga. Pada saat itu saya menyadari betapa tragis nya hidup ini( terhadap kebanyakan orang-orang...... karena saya sudah mengalami beberapa peristiwa tragis serupa , yaitu peristiwa keributan di Indonesia beberapa puluh tahun lalu).

Pada tahun 2008, salah seorang murid saya di Indonesia menghubungi dan memberitahukan bahwa mereka lagi mau mengunjungi bhiksu umur 100 tahun di China. Mereka mendesak saya untuk ikut serta, saya bilang saya pikir2 dulu. Tapi setelah menimbang usia bhiksu ini yang sudah 100, saya pikir i ni sudah pasti bhiksu yang benar2 baik dan bermutu sebagai guru yang baik, dan siapa tahu beliau bisa menjadi guru saya. Pada saat itu saya sudah memastikan diri untuk mengunjungi bhiksu ini di China, tapi sebelum itu saya mau dapat kepastian lebih lanjut maka saya telpon saya menceritakan tentang mimpi saya, Maka saya pun beli tiket ke China untuk ikut Yao Se Fa Hui yang diadakan bhiksu tua ini di Pu Zhao Chan Si China, Xia Men.

Akhirnya saya sampai juga di China di Xia Men, dan kita ketemu sama Shifu Guang Xuan. Saya berlutut, dan setelah beberapa hari disana mengutarakan niat saya untuk Cut Cia( jadi hwesio). Keputusan ini saya ambil setelah 2 minggu mengamati gerak gerik Master Guang Xuan. Setelah 2 minggu saya benar2 yakin bhiksu ini adalah bhiksu yang benar, maka saya pun berniat jadi murid dia.

Guru Guang Xuan bilang jadi bhiksu itu yang ada hanya roh ini, semua yang kita miliki:Uang, Nama, Kedudukan, bahkan badan ini sudah tidak ada lagi, dia tanya saya sanggup gak saya meninggalkan : Uang. Nama, Kedudukan? Saya bilang saya sanggup, ini yang sudah lama saya cari. Maka saya pun di terima murid oleh Master Guang Xuan.  Itulah asal mula saya berjumpa dan menjadi murid Master Guang Xuan.

Grand Master Guang Qin(廣欽老和尚, 1892-1986)

Those above photo was actually a moon taken at the time when  Master Guang Qin passed away, it just transformed into a nice looking lotus.

Grand Master Guang Qin(廣欽老和尚, 1892-1986)

Master Guang Qin was a remarkable monk. He passed away in 1986 in Taiwan.
The following are website about him. This website show Master Guang Qin emitted orange colour light from inside the casket that keep his body.
It's a coincidence the monk I admire happened to be Master Guang Xuan' elder brother in Dharma( Indeed both Great Master Guang Qin and Great Master Guang Xuan were my inspiration to cultivate the Way).  I first heard about  Master Guang Qin when I was a Buddhist priest in Surabaya, Indonesia ( from a Buddhist magazine in Indonesia) but at that time Master Guang Qin already entered Nirvana.  Below a short documentary about Grand Master Guang Qin posted on youtube:

Maybe it's a coincidence that I practice Pureland method since a was a child that made me the affinity to know the greatness of Master Guang Qin and the rigorous way he maintained in his practice.

 Both Master Guang Xuan and Master Guang Qin were disciples of Great Master Hong Yi -弘一大师( well known in Buddhist circle , especially in China as Vinaya Master). 

A Short Biography of Master Guang Qin.

 Master Kuang-ch'in (1892 - 1986) was born in Hui-an County of Fu-chien province in China. He was given up for adoption when he was four and was not educated, hence, illiterate.

He became a monk at the age of twenty-seven, but did not receive the formal bhiksu (monk) precepts until the age of forty-two. Meanwhile, he practiced asceticism and recitation (of the name of Amitabha Buddha).

After receiving the full bhiksu precepts, he dwelled in a cave in the mountains where he practiced meditation alone for thirteen years and attained an elevated level.

He came to Taiwan in 1947 and founded several monasteries, among them the Ch'eng-tien Temple of Taipei and Miao-tung Temple of Kao-hsiung. He had inspired a great many people into the dual practice of Zen and Pure Land doctrines. Those all the description above was taken/copy and paste directy from this source:

In Taiwan Master Guang Qin was known as Sui Guo He Shang( the Master who ate fruits only), for his only diet was eating fruits ( this starting when he was 50 years old if I am not mistaken). Once people asked him why he only ate fruits. Then Master Guang Qin answered in a very humble way: Once he lived for several years in the forest to practice Buddhism, and fruits was the only option for him to eat. After that it become a habbit so he just continued eating fruits.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Very Short Biography of Seng Zhuan Zhong (僧傳宗)

 1.  I moved to California in 2006, and I feel wow California was cool...... the weather here is so nice, warm not like New York( in around 2003 New York hit record low of -40 F).
2. So I lived comfortably here until The Financial Meltdown hit USA.
3. So this time I decided to become a monk, it was in 2008.

Hence it's called  A Very Short Biography, because it's indeed A Very Short Biography


In memory of my mom August 26,2011
All is well and may all beings be happy. Omitofo