Upasika( Buddhist lay people)Wei Guo Shiang was born in 4/4/1927 (Chinese calender). He accept the Buddhist Precept in 1997, and after 6 years of Buddhist practice, he was born in Pureland on 2/5/2003 (Chinese calender).
This video recall him as someone after studying Buddhism more deeply in 1997, developed a more compassion to others. Further he often printed Sutras(Teaching of Buddhas).
Wei Guo Shiang after learning he got cancer, he devoted all his time reciting Amitabha Buddha's names, with the purpose of rebirth in Pureland(Nirvana) of Amitabha Buddha. From that time on he gave up all worldly pursue.
On 1/25/2003( Chinese calender),11 days before he departed this world, he told a monk that while he was reciting Buddhas' names, Buddha told him, his end was near and Buddha would fetch him on 2/5/2003 at 12 pm (Chinese calender). This monk and others at the temple were happy hearing this news, so the monk decided to conduct 7 days farewell ceremony for him or 7 days of Buddha dharma prayer session.The monk further said on the last day( on the seventh day, that was on 2/5/2003 at 12 pm) then he could departed this world.The ceremony would start from 1/29/2003 to 2/5/2003 (Chinese calender).And as you watch the video, they conducted 7 days ceremony and all were recorded alive. And on the seventh day( 2/5/2003, at 12 pm), Wei Guo Shiang really departed this world and this event was recorded alive on the camera and thousands people were there as the witnesses.
On the last day before Wei Guo Shiang departed this world, he sat comfortably in the chair ,bid farewell to Buddhist followers and thanks them and departed this world while reciting Buddha's names at 12 pm, 2/5/2003.
The link for the video is here:
From Youtube
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-q06ZBEt8Y&feature=related Part 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNXcMxKh2-c&feature=related Part 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO7vz9X-KZU&feature=related Part 3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlQRlCeGiKE&feature=related Part 4
48 vows of Amitabha Buddhas were made by Amitabha Buddha 10 kalpas ago(according to Amitabha Sutra)*.
From these 48 vows, 3 are very imporatant aspects to sentient being living in this earth. These vows no: 18, 19 and 20 have a good direct impact to our lifes here. These 3 vows are:
Vow 18: If I become a Buddha, the beings of the ten directions who after hearing my name, and thus awakened their highest faith and aspiration of rebirth in my country, even they only have such a thought of ten times, they are destinied to be born there( with the exception those who created five big offences/karma and those who blasphemed the Dharma), otherwise I will not become a Buddha.
Vow 19: If I become a Buddha, the beings of ten directions, who have directed their thoughts towards the Bodhi and cultivate various merits in the hope of rebirth in my country ( will be born in my country), if at the moment of their death, I don't come to fetch them with my assembly of retinue, then I will not become a Buddha.
Vow 20: Provided I become a Buddha, if the beings of ten directions, after having heard my name and longing to be born there, and they cultivate various merits for the purpose to be born in my heaven( Sukhavati Heaven), if they expectation failed, then I will not become a Buddha.
Then the rest of the 48 vows are mainly concern about: the conditions/ the goodness in this heaven, and the characteristics of this heaven.
*according to Wikipedia, kalpa(aoen) derived from Sangskrit word(कल्प kalpa). According to India's system, 1 kalpa is equal 4,32 billion years. So 10x4,32 billion=43,2 billion years.
Video Tentang Umat Buddhist yang mengetahui kapan dia akan meninggal(atas petunjuk Buddha).
Peristiwa ini terjadi di Si Chuan, China, tahun 2003. Ada seorang umat Buddha namanya Wei Guo Shiang, dia mengatakan Buddha mengatakan pada dia bahwa dia akan dijemput tgl 5 bulan 2 , tahun 2003(tangalan China).
Wei Go Shiang dilahirkan di Si Chuan,tgal 4/4/1927. Dia di Kui I( di baptis sebagai Umat Buddha) pada tahun 1997, dan setelah 6 tahun dengan tekun mengucapkan nama Amitabha Buddha , dia dilahirkan di Nirwana pada tgl 2/5/2003.
Video ini juga melukiskan dia (setelah mendalami agama Budhha)sebagai seorang yang penuh welas asih, menyebarkan Buddhist Sutra keorang lain. Setelah mengetahui dia menderita kanker, Wei Guo Shiang akhirnya sadar dan dengan sugguh hati megucapkan nama Amitabha Buddha setiap hari dengan tekun, dan dia memutuskan untuk menjauhi segara kesenangan duniawi.
Pada tanggal January 25, 2003(tanggalan China),11 hari sebelumnya, sebelum Wei Guo Shiang meninggalkan dunia ini, dia memberitahu bhiksu di Guo Cheng Si, Si Chuan(China) bahwa saat dia sembahyang pada Buddha, dia mendapat bisikan dari Buddha bahwa dia akan dijemput pada tgl: 2/5/2003(Tanggalan China), Jam 12 siang. Bhiksu ini dan umat2 Buddha lainnya di kuil sangat gembira buat wei Guo Shiang atas kabar ini, maka mereka memutuskan untuk membikin perjamuan Dharma perpisahan selama 7 hari. Dimana pada hari ke tujuh mereka harap Weo Guo Shiang bisa pergi ke Nirwana setelah selesai Fa Hui, atau perayaan sembahyang Dharma. Perayaan Dharma ini di mulai Tanggal: 1/29/2003-2/5/2003 (berdasarkan tanggalan China).
Pada hari ketujuh, atau tgl 2/5/2003( dan peristiwa ini direkam hidup-hidup pakai video kamera) Wei Guo Shiang benar-benar meninggal . Detik-detik terakhir sebelum Jam 12 siang, dia masih terlihat mengucapkan terima kasih pada umat lainnnya, dan mengucapkan salam perpisahan, terus dia mengucapkan nama Amitabha Buddha berulang-ulang, kemudiantepat jam 12 siang dia meninggal dengan posisi duduk di kursi.
Video ini link nya ada di:
atau kalau diatas gak bisa dibuka, coba link youtube dibawah ini:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-q06ZBEt8Y&feature=related, bagian 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNXcMxKh2-c&feature=related bagian 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO7vz9X-KZU&feature=related bagian 3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlQRlCeGiKE&feature=related bagian 4