(Above Picture: Asoka Pillar-India by King Asoka of India who promoted religious tolerance).
I contribute this section to World Peace and wish all living beings ( Christians, Catholics, Moslem's, Hinduisms, Buddhas and Other Religions) to live in harmony. Hatred, prejudice, and selfishness, and the urge to be the best at the expense of others is not a good practice, it only leads to more suffering to both sides who are in conflicts. This life would be better if everyone can respect each other and treat each other equally without thinking their religion is the best or number 1.
In harmony , then we can together solve the world problems( calamities, poverty, and etc). We will help each other without discriminating them on their religious belief, race, and gender. Doing so, this earth will become a much better and happier place to live.
I always like USA, for people here are more tolerance mostly, wherever I go around in USA (California)people will greet me, smile, and talk to me( although I know we have a different religious background, but having a different belief system does not mean we have to hate each other). Moreover people here are more faithful, sincere and loyal. I should remark here, American people are nice and kind.
It is a surprise that I can talk to lots of people here(in USA- California) without mentioning the Buddhist teachings or Christian teachings. After all , people have the right to choose whatever they want to belief, or whatever they like.
Some Americans, they do not even meet a Buddhist monk all their life and this is a big surprise to me when I met one. Once I met and talk to a person here who ask me who I was, and he said this was the first time he met a Buddhist monk and he said he was just so happy for that, and he shakes my hand over and over again. Other time they just asked me what is the robe I wore and what religion I belong to.
Sometimes you need to learn from other religions, and get what is good from their teaching. This is what was Buddha suggesting. Buddha said if you can find a good things(teaching) from other religions then go ahead and adapt them. Well I think Tolerance( you can apply tolerance to other religions, to your friends, to other race as well) is a key to a Harmonious and Peaceful life.
Bagian ini saya sajikan buat perdamaian dunia dan mendoakan semoga semua mahkluk hidup bahagia.
Kebencian, rasa curiga dan mementingkan diri sendiri dan dorongan untuk mejadi yang terbaik atas pengorbanan orang lain bukanlah prilaku yang baik. Ini hanya akan meciptakan penderitaan pada kedua pihak yang bersengketa. Hidup ini akan lebih baik jika semua orang bisa menghormati satu sama lain dan memperlakukan sesamanya tanpa pilih kasih tanpa memikirkan agama yang dia anut adalah yang paling baik.
Dengan penuh toleransi, tidak mementingakan diri sendiri kita bisa ikut menangulangi krisis dunia( kelaparan,kemiskinan, dan bencana alam). Kita bisa saling tolong menolong tanpa harus terikat dengan agama, ras, dan beda jenis kelamin. Kalau ini dilaksanakan maka bumi ini akan menjadi tempat hidup yang lebih baik dan membahagiakan.