Thursday, June 9, 2011

Grand Master Kumarajiva Story- 鸠摩罗什大师的故事

( Above picture: Nan Hua Si- Guang Chou-China, the temple where The Sixth Patriarch of Zen- Master Hui Neng used to lived- Photo taken in around 1993).

GRAND  MASTER KUMARAJIVA(344-413 A.D)-鸠摩罗什大师(344-413 A.D).
The Holy Monk who translated most Mahayana Sutras
Grand Master Kumarajiva was born in Kucha, Central Asia, near India. Kumarajiva's father was Kumarajana( in Chinese it's called Kiu Mo Lo Yen).

As a sign of a holy being, when his mother was going to give birth to Kumarajiva, suddenly she had a strong interest with Buddhism so at that time on she had an intention to leave a home life( to become a Bhiksuni). So she discussed it with Kumarajana and Kumarajana was very supportive of her decision, because Kumarajana was himself a very wise man. So Jiva( that's the name of Kumarajiva's mother) become a Bhiksuni when Kumarajiva was 7 years old, and from that time on Kumarajiva was raised by his mother.

One day while his mother was praying, Kumarajiva was playing with a heavy metal praying bowl, he lift it up and suddenly he thought how could he lift up such a heavy metal bowl. As soon as he thought like this the metal bowl fell down. So Kumarajiva suddenly REALIZED  everything(every Dharma) was created by our own mind alone. He realized when mind exists everything exist, when the mind ceased, everything ceased. This is the same analogy when a Zen master ask his disciple a question: is that flag moving? the disciple gave a wrong answer and , the master told him actually the flag is not moving, it's the mind which is moving.

One day while Kumarajiva was travelling around with his mother , they met a old monk( an accomplished Arhat). As soon as this old monk saw Kumarajiva, he gave a prediction: If this child doesn't break the vinaya rules  of the monk in the future, he would become an Arhat, however if he break the Vinaya then he would not become an Arhat , but he would become a very famous monk instead throughout the history.

So Kumarajiva grew up and became a very intelligent/ genius person, he memorized things very quickly and easily. He later traveled to China to help spread the Buddhism there. In China he learned Chinese/Mandarin quickly and translated most of Mahayana Sutras/ teachings from Sanskrit into Chinese/Mandarin. The following Sutra were his translations:
Amitaba Sutra (  O MI TO CING)
Diamond SutraVajrachedika Prajnaparamita Sutra( Jin Gang Jing)
Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra( Vi Mo Cing)
Brahmajala Sutra
Saddarmapundarika Sutra
Shurangama Sutra( Leng Yan Cing)
and many others Sutras and Commentaries.
Because of Grand Master Kumarajiva's works, Buddhism in China florished into many famous sects/tradition, such as: Pureland Sects( from Amitabha Sutra), Tien Tai Sects, San Lun Sects and etc.

Well people might ask, how accurate is Grand Master  Kumarajiva's translation,( given the fact that Chinese language is difficult to learn). If you ever heard that recently a  talented 11 years old child goes to study at the university then you know some people  have indeed extraordinary learning ability. So Kumarajiva was the most talented person at that time that's why he learned Chinese language very fast.

Well, as if Grand Master Kumarajiva could sense  that some people at his time or in the future might doubt his translation's skills. So at that time he said: " If my translation were not accurate, when I die and cremated nothing would left, except ashes, however if my translation were true and accurate, by the power of the Buddha, when I die and cremated my tongue would not be burned. So Kumarajiva passed away , they cremated him , and nothing was left except his tongue. So Buddhist people at that time to the present time convince at the accuracy and truthfulness  of the translation  by Master Kumarajiva.

And about the prediction of the old monk, it turned out to be true( however, I will not elaborate the detail here, but to sum up, Grand Master Kumarajiva broke the Vinaya rules for the sake of all people, so here he sacrificed himself to benefit others, otherwise he would achieve the Arhat state at that time).

 Master Kumarajiva continue with his duty as a monk and translate sutras.Well Master Kumarajiva was indeed a very famous monk-translator. Namo Master Kumarajiva.