Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pu Zhao Chan Si Temple America-Photos(美國普照禪寺的照片)

Above Photo No.1:Main Altar of Pu Zhao Chan Si Temple America(美國普照禪寺)
12/15/2010/ Chinese Calendar11月15日 2010: - Opening Ceremony of Pu Zhao Chan Si Temple America.

( Enlarge from original photo)-Click on the photo to enlarge it

Namo Guan Shi Yin Posa-南無觀音菩薩( Guan Yin Posat caught on photo)

(Above photo date taken on July 25, 2012/Chinese Calendar:6月7日 2012 ): Guan Yin Posat(觀音菩薩) formed from the cloud.-Guan Yin Posa with Garuda*


*Garuda is 1 out of 8 of  Buddha Dharma Protector Spirits.
*Garuda adalah salah satu dari 8 Makluk suci pelindung agama Buddha. Atau terkenal dengan nama: Tien Lung Hu Fa. 



Namo Sakyamuni Buddha-南無釋迦牟尼佛
Namo Bhaisajyaguru Buddha-南無藥師佛
Namo Amitabha Buddha-南無阿彌陀佛


1. Naga/Dragon (龍):
2. Garuda/ Big bird (迦樓羅)
3. Deva/God (天人)
4. Asura (阿修羅)
5. Yaksa (夜叉)
6. Mahoraga (摩呼洛迦)
7. Kimnara (緊那羅)
8. Gandharva (乾闥婆)

February 9, 2057: Photo of  Naga (龍) and Garuda (迦樓羅) .
February 9, 2057: Photo of Deva (天人), Asura (阿修羅) , Yaksa (夜叉) .
February 9, 2057: Photo of  Mahoraga (摩呼洛迦) , Kimnara (緊那羅), Gandharva (乾闥婆) .

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Miracle of Avalokitesvara Bodhisatva( Guan Yin Po Sa/觀世音菩薩) in Pu Tuo San-China

Guan Yin Po Sa-Picture taken in 1998 around July

Guan Yin Po Sa, estimated height: 20+metres( Picture taken in 1998-July)

                ( The above picture of Guan Yin  Po Sa- 觀世音菩薩-was taken in 1998, while I visited Pu Tuo San-China )

 Guan Yin Po Sa is the most  popular  figure in Mahayana Buddhism. Why is she( actually Guan Yin  Po Sa is a male Bodhisatva) so popular?. Because many many Buddhists have been saved by her. She started saving people from long long time ago---millions and millions years ago into the past until the present time. I myself have been saved by Guan Yin Po Sa several times so as so many ordinary Buddhists, and monks.

I recalled while trying to pray for my mom( he was critically ill of old age), knowing that her sickness would not be able to recover ( based on her medical report),so my only solution was for her to pass away in a peaceful way. So I recite Namo Guan Si Yin  Po Sa to help my mom( I tried with other Po Sa's names, it didn't work). And then strange enough even in coma-state seemed like my mom understand what I was telling her in her coma. I told her: Mom you can go peacefully now so you don't need to suffer anymore, and I told her later I will bring her to my master temple in America so she will listen to me reciting the sutras every day.( she had lost her memory for more than 40 years). In her coma, my mother was dropping a tear in her right eye, as if she understood what I had been telling her( if I told her in normal circumstances while she was still healthy I believe she would not understand it( because she lost her memory for a long time).

Then I pray to Guan Yin  Po Sa, please help my mom so she would passed away peacefully, after this holy names were mention. Within 5 minutes my mom open her eyes( she did not talk, but I knew she saw something/someone) and close her eyes and then 2 minutes later open her eyes again as if seeing someone, and then 3 minutes later she passed away peacefully.

While I touched her forehead, her forehead was very warm, but the rest of her body was very cold. In Mahayana Buddhism we learn that if the forehead of the person who passed away is warm it is a sign that she/he be reborn in a heavenly realm.

So let's get back to the video about Guan Yin  Po Sa's Miracle, the following video-link will tell you that at the inauguration of Guan Yin Po Sa statue in Pu Tuo San -China( the attendance more than  thousands in China), miracle happened: a big white halo appeared around the statue of Guan Yin Po Sa. This big halo appeared at almost the last minutes of the inauguration. People suddenly noticed the sky changed into very unusual way, and then a big white halo appeared surrounding the big statue of Guan Yin Po Sa ( This statue is 20 meter high). Also separately appeared a likeness of Guan Yin Po Sa formed from the cloud appeared in the sky.
 If you pay attention, you will see at the left- top of the video with BTV sign, this is the Cina- public television, and for sure they( BTV) caught this supernatural phenomena unintentionally.

            Namo Guan Si Yin Po Sa, Namo Guan Si  Yin Po Sa, Namo Guan Si Yin  Po Sa
( the reason why I post this article is, no matter what problem you have, do not give up, work hard and pray to Guan  Si Yin Po Sa sincerely, she will help you out).

Here is a link from youtube:


(Photo taken on July 25, 2012, Above the sky of Pu Zhao Chan Si Temple America)


Friday, July 8, 2011

Grand Master Guang Xuan(1912-2011) Introduction - Website and Video

          The  28 metres-tall Amitabha Buddha of Pu Zhao Chan Si,Xiamen-China


Master Guang Xuan at Ciu Kung San in 2006,( Wuhan-China)

GRAND MASTER GUANG XUAN (1912- APRIL 2011)-------- OMITOFO------------XIE-XIE
These are several links to G.M Guang Xuan's videos:

Official website of Pu Zhao Chan Si (普照禪寺):

Video about Shifu Guang Xuan (廣玄大和尚) posted by different people out there:

廣玄大和尚生日慶典(上) Master Guang Xuan  Birthday Celebration (1/2). Video taken end of December 2008:

廣玄大和尚生日慶典(下)Master Guang Xuan Birthday Celebration (2/2)

This video is about 40 minutes long. It is an introduction about Master Guang Xuan ()廣玄大和尚) and Pu Zhao Chan Si Temple (普照禪寺). This video was recorded in August 2008. It describes a brief biography of Master Guang Xuan and gives the explanation about the different color and building structure of Pu Zhao Chan Si Temple in Fujian, China:

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Vegetarian Cat/ Bird/ Rooster Who Pray To Buddha

1. A Rooster  That  Recite Amitabha Buddha's Names  From The Past

Actually about five hundreds years ago(approximately), it's recorded  there were two chicken: one male and one female. These two chickens were always present when the monks were reciting the sutras, by the end of sutra recitation they would follow the monks reciting Amitabha's names in walking meditation procession( well it's not like they really could say Omitofo, but they make a noise as if saying Omitofo).

This event going on for several years. Then these( hen and rooster) were getting old, but they still follow the monks reciting Buddha's names. One day while all the monks after ending their Buddha's recitation prepare to leave, this rooster still standing there in the Buddha hall, later they realized this rooster died while reciting Buddha's names.

So now only a hen was remain faithful following the monks reciting the Buddha's names. Then one day, she too passed away standing in the middle of Buddha's hall after finishing reciting Buddha's names.

It's unfortunate we don't have the video for this event( the rooster that mindful of the Buddha) as 500 years ago people still did not have video/photo to record this extraordinary event. We really hope  and wish  video recorder existed 500 years ago.


Sebetulnya kira-kira 500 thaun yang lalu, dalam buku yang di catat turun temurun, terdapat 2 ekor ayam, jantan dan betina. Ke dua ekor ayam ini selalu ikut bersama Bhiksu2 membaca sutra dan mengucapkan nama Buddha. Pada saat pembacaan sutra selesai mereka akan ikut Bhiksu2 mengeliling Buddha sambil membaca Namo Omitofo ( Namo Amitabha Buddha). Tentu saja mereka bukan benar2 bisa bersuara kayak manusia, tapi mereka berkokok kokok seolah olah mereka lagi baca Omitofo.

Kejadian ini terjadi beberapa tahun. Kemudian ayam jantan dan betina ini menjadi makin tua, tapi mereka tetap rajin ikut baca Omitofo. Satu hari sewaktu pembacaan nama Omitofo (Amitabha Buddha) selesai dan Bhiksu2 bersiap-siap akan meninggalkan ruangan, mereka heran karena ayam jantan berdiri tegak di tempatnya tanpa bergerak, setelah mereka periksa ternyata ayam jantan ini meninggal di saat terakhir mereka habis mengucapkan nama Buddha.

Sekarang tinggal ayam betina yang masih hidup, dan dia ini juga masih setia ikut Bhiksu2 membaca nama Buddha saat sembahyang. Satu hari ayam betina ini juga meninggal persis di saat saat terkahir mereka membaca nama Amitabha Buddha.

Tidak beruntung  500 tahun yang lalu tidak ada video kalau tidak kita bisa lihat bersama rekaman video mereka.



My friend sent me an article about a cat who don't eat meat, and the cat  will sit in front of the statue of the Buddha for hours( the cat  will just eat and stare(pray) to  Buddha) without moving. This one is unusual cat.  The Nun found this cat around the temple, when she found this cat, it  was in bad condition, this  cat was wounded because of burned injuries. So the Nun decided to keep the cat, but she told the cat that she/he must obey 3 things:
1. No Killing of other animals.
2. No noise inside the temple.
3. No meat -eating.

So this cat become a vegetarian, even when they offer meat to this cat, this cat refused to eat it. And this cat was fond of Buddha statue, it would sit in front of the Buddha statue and stare at it for  many hours(video said it stare at the Buddha for 4 hours).

The location of the temple is: Long Xin temple, Korea.

Please paste above link into your browser. Then click enter.

‎​Kucing vegetarian, kucing ini tidak mau makan daging, meskipun dipaksa makan dia tidak mau. Dan hobbynya duduk di depan patung Buddha dan memandangnya dengan berjam jam tanpa bergerak. Tidak mau diajak keluar, bermain. Dia hanya keluar buat makan saja.

Ia ditemukan oleh seorang bhiksuni  dalam keadaan luka bakar. Dan diberi 3 aturan, yaitu tidak boleh bersuara didalam kuil, tidak boleh makan daging, dan tidak boleh membunuh.


A small bird that can sing/ recite  Amitabha Buddha in our modern time/ in 2013. This bird has been taken cared of by a temple in Taiwan. When the monks there recite the Omitofo everyday, one day this bird strange can recite Omitofo, Omitofo, Omitofo, since then this bird diligently reciting Omitofo. This is the link for this video:


Burung yang bisa mengucapkan nama Omitofo (Amitabha Buddha). Burung ini sejak kecil di rawat kuil di Taiwan. Tiap hari  Bhiksu2 disana mengucapkan Omitofo. Pada suatu hari ternyata burung ini juga bisa mengucapkan Omitofo dan nama ini disebutkan berulang-ulang oleh burung ini seperti manusia.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Amitabha Buddha Prayer Songs

(Picture of Ksitigarbha Bodhisatva-Ti Cang Wang Po Sa)

These are some wonderful Amitabha Buddha Songs, when you have time its good to listen to this song 10 or 20 minutes a day, then you will accumulate good karma and cleanse a lot of  your bad karma, after listening and reciting Amitabha Buddha's names for quite a long time.

You will be able to live a happier life, everywhere you go you will show your happier smile to people, you will feel more relax.

Diamond Sutra/ Jing Gang Jing::

( this is the  last stanza of Diamond Sutra):
All phenomena are like:
A dream, an illusion, a bubble and a shadow, like dew and lightning,
Thus you should meditate upon them.

After practicing this Amitabha Buddha' recitation for a long time you will find your own heaven in this life and the next life.      STYLE NO: 1    STYLE NO: 2       STYLE NO: 3                 STYLE NO: 4
style no.1,2,3,4 are my favorites.  STYLE NO: 5     STYLE NO: 6                    STYLE NO: 7     STYLE NO: 8     STYLE NO: 9       STYLE NO: 10

Too much strees, too much thinking, loneliness, and endless worldly craving leads to more pain and suffering in this world. Listening to Buddhist Music is one of a good way to stay away from those endless craving. Here at Pu Zhao Chan Si Temple America, we provide  varities of  Buddist Music for free( Such as: Amitabha Buddha Music Style 1, 2, and 3, Buddha Repentance Song, Avalokitesvara Music( Guan Yin Posat Music, and etc)

So the best way to pray to Amitabha Buddha is :

To recite Namo Omitofo then imagine the image of Amitabha Buddha, if possible imagine every one word of Namo Omitofo you do a full prostation ( in your mind). Then at night-do this every other night. (set your own fix time) do a 108 Namo Omitofo  with one Namo Omotofo you would do one full prostration( kneel down) so 108 Namo Omitofo you will do 108 full prostation( kneel down).

Always maintain Amitabha's names in your everyday life( every minutes while working, walking, sitting, everywhere you go you just say  Namo Omitofo. If you can maintaince Amitabha Buddha in your mind all the time, for sure one day you will become one with Amitabha Buddha thus be reborn in the  heaven of Amitabha.
After you perfected this Dharma Door you have to develop your compassion to others by vowing to come back to save sentient beings( your compassion will grow automatically as you think more of Amitabha Buddha). If you only wish to go to Western Heaven on your own then it is not a good practice. Omitofo

48 vows of Amitabha Buddhas were made by Amitabha Buddha 10 kalpas ago(according to Amitabha Sutra)*.
From these 48 vows, 3 are very imporatant aspects to sentient being living in this earth. These vows no: 18, 19 and 20 have a good direct impact to our lifes here. These 3 vows are:

Vow 18: If I become a Buddha, the beings of the ten directions who after hearing my name, and thus awakened their highest faith and aspiration of rebirth in my country, even they only have such a thought of ten times, they are destinied to be born there( with the exception those who created five big offences/karma and those who blasphemed the Dharma), otherwise I will not become a Buddha.

Vow 19: If I become a Buddha, the beings of ten directions, who have directed their thoughts towards the Bodhi and cultivate various merits in the hope of rebirth in my country ( will be born in my country), if at the moment of their death, I don't come to fetch them with my assembly of retinue, then I will not become a Buddha.

Vow 20: Provided I become a Buddha, if the beings of ten directions, after having heard my name and longing to be born there, and they cultivate various merits for the purpose to be born in my heaven( Sukhavati Heaven), if they expectation failed, then I will not become a Buddha.

Then the rest of the 48 vows are mainly concern about: the conditions/ the goodness in this heaven, and the characteristics of this heaven.
*according to wikepedia, 1 kalpa(aoen) derived from Sangskrit word(कल्प kalpa). According to India's system, 1 kalpa is equal 4,32 billion years. So 10x4,32 billion=43,2 billion years.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Grand Master Kumarajiva Story- 鸠摩罗什大师的故事

( Above picture: Nan Hua Si- Guang Chou-China, the temple where The Sixth Patriarch of Zen- Master Hui Neng used to lived- Photo taken in around 1993).

GRAND  MASTER KUMARAJIVA(344-413 A.D)-鸠摩罗什大师(344-413 A.D).
The Holy Monk who translated most Mahayana Sutras
Grand Master Kumarajiva was born in Kucha, Central Asia, near India. Kumarajiva's father was Kumarajana( in Chinese it's called Kiu Mo Lo Yen).

As a sign of a holy being, when his mother was going to give birth to Kumarajiva, suddenly she had a strong interest with Buddhism so at that time on she had an intention to leave a home life( to become a Bhiksuni). So she discussed it with Kumarajana and Kumarajana was very supportive of her decision, because Kumarajana was himself a very wise man. So Jiva( that's the name of Kumarajiva's mother) become a Bhiksuni when Kumarajiva was 7 years old, and from that time on Kumarajiva was raised by his mother.

One day while his mother was praying, Kumarajiva was playing with a heavy metal praying bowl, he lift it up and suddenly he thought how could he lift up such a heavy metal bowl. As soon as he thought like this the metal bowl fell down. So Kumarajiva suddenly REALIZED  everything(every Dharma) was created by our own mind alone. He realized when mind exists everything exist, when the mind ceased, everything ceased. This is the same analogy when a Zen master ask his disciple a question: is that flag moving? the disciple gave a wrong answer and , the master told him actually the flag is not moving, it's the mind which is moving.

One day while Kumarajiva was travelling around with his mother , they met a old monk( an accomplished Arhat). As soon as this old monk saw Kumarajiva, he gave a prediction: If this child doesn't break the vinaya rules  of the monk in the future, he would become an Arhat, however if he break the Vinaya then he would not become an Arhat , but he would become a very famous monk instead throughout the history.

So Kumarajiva grew up and became a very intelligent/ genius person, he memorized things very quickly and easily. He later traveled to China to help spread the Buddhism there. In China he learned Chinese/Mandarin quickly and translated most of Mahayana Sutras/ teachings from Sanskrit into Chinese/Mandarin. The following Sutra were his translations:
Amitaba Sutra (  O MI TO CING)
Diamond SutraVajrachedika Prajnaparamita Sutra( Jin Gang Jing)
Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra( Vi Mo Cing)
Brahmajala Sutra
Saddarmapundarika Sutra
Shurangama Sutra( Leng Yan Cing)
and many others Sutras and Commentaries.
Because of Grand Master Kumarajiva's works, Buddhism in China florished into many famous sects/tradition, such as: Pureland Sects( from Amitabha Sutra), Tien Tai Sects, San Lun Sects and etc.

Well people might ask, how accurate is Grand Master  Kumarajiva's translation,( given the fact that Chinese language is difficult to learn). If you ever heard that recently a  talented 11 years old child goes to study at the university then you know some people  have indeed extraordinary learning ability. So Kumarajiva was the most talented person at that time that's why he learned Chinese language very fast.

Well, as if Grand Master Kumarajiva could sense  that some people at his time or in the future might doubt his translation's skills. So at that time he said: " If my translation were not accurate, when I die and cremated nothing would left, except ashes, however if my translation were true and accurate, by the power of the Buddha, when I die and cremated my tongue would not be burned. So Kumarajiva passed away , they cremated him , and nothing was left except his tongue. So Buddhist people at that time to the present time convince at the accuracy and truthfulness  of the translation  by Master Kumarajiva.

And about the prediction of the old monk, it turned out to be true( however, I will not elaborate the detail here, but to sum up, Grand Master Kumarajiva broke the Vinaya rules for the sake of all people, so here he sacrificed himself to benefit others, otherwise he would achieve the Arhat state at that time).

 Master Kumarajiva continue with his duty as a monk and translate sutras.Well Master Kumarajiva was indeed a very famous monk-translator. Namo Master Kumarajiva.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Basic Teachings of the Buddha

(Sakyamuni Buddha at Bodh Gaya-India): Picture was taken in 2009

I provide these Basic Teachings of the Buddha so some Buddhists or non-Buddhists  can have a better idea what Buddhism is.


According to dictionary: Karma originated from Sanskrit and it means action. Generally it means whatever action we make( past and present  life) will have a consequences that arise from these actions. When there is an action, there will be a reaction to it. When one do a good action, he/she will get a good reaction/reward in return. When one do a bad/ evil action, he/she will get a bad/punishment  reaction in return.
Simple example is: When you obey your parents and filial to them, when your parents passed away, they will inherit all their wealth to you, contrary if you treat your parents badly not only they will not inherit their wealth to you but they will tell all their friends your bad behavior so the whole neighborhood ( including your parents) will not like you and will not help you in anyway when you encounter a problem or hardship in your life.
Still another example: you go to the street.... then you hit/ slap someone on the face (this is the action). Then this people will hit you in return ( this the reaction to the action-being slapped by you).
Contrary, if you go to the street, smile to others chat with them (action), these people will chatting back...offer you candy/coffee( reaction).
The same thing goes with animal/dog. If you approach a dog in a friendly manner, the dog will treat you back nicely. But when you approach a dog with bad manner, when you come near the dog he/she will bite you.

When I tell people the above theory of  Karma, they will hit me back with this question: Well...if that so....why some people they did lots of bad deeds yet they live a good life, and while others did a lots of good deeds yet they live a miserable life.

Certain people doing lots of bad Karma yet living a good and happy life, this is because he accumulate lots of good Karma in her/his previous life, but definitely he/she will get punished once his/her accumulation of good Karma is exhausted. Same thing goes with people who do lots of good deed but live a miserable life.  Usually certain Karma we do will not take effect immediately, I witness some of my friend who did a cruel action, and he/ she get the punishment after 10 or 20 years later. Some friends of mine love to bully or harass others, after almost 20 years later someone else ( not the same person that he bullied) bullied them back.

Karma( whether it's a good karma or bad karma) we created can be compared to planting seeds. Some seeds we plant would grow faster, other grow slower. Some fruits/vegetable/ flowers we plant grow faster than the others. Some fruit-plant only need 1 year to grow into fruits, other fruit-plant need 10 years( or maybe much longer) to grow into fruits.

This is the same with karma we made( good karma or bad karma). Some action we make have immediate result ( for example if we  hit someone, that person will immediately hit  us back). Some other action (karma)we made will not have an immediate result( maybe we need to wait for 10 years, 20 or 50 years to get the reaction/result).
Sakyamuni Buddha when he got enlightened at the Bodhi Tree in India, he discovered that human beings were being borned again and again because of the Karma( action whether it is a wholesome action or unwholesome action) they created from their many past lives' actions  and present actions.

For example: If you were generous in your past life, you would have a fortunate situation( reward of fortune/good wealth )in this life. Contrary you were very selfish in your previous life , you would be rewarded with a poor fortune in this life.

Karma ( Law of Causes and Effects) is a very complicated and complex system: it's said only Buddha himself totally understand the work of Karma. The above example/explanation  is  just a general idea about what karma is.


A. There is suffering
B. The origin of suffering
C. The cessation of suffering
D. The path to the cessation of suffering


A. Right Understanding
B. Right Thoughts.
C. Right Speech.
D. Right Action.
E  Right livelihood
F. Right Effort
G. Right Mindfulness
H. Right Concentration:


 Sakyamuni Buddha finally at Bodhi Tree discovered that the best way to attain the Enlightenment (liberation)was to apply the middle way. He suggested when an artist plays guitar, if  he adjusted the string to tight , it would not make a good sound so as when he adjusted the string too loose, it would not produced a good sound either. And Buddha said the artist would play a good sound when the string was not too tight or too loose, and He called this  A MIDDLE  WAY.

So Buddha suggested when we practice for enlightenment we should apply the Middle Way. We can not be too studious/ hard  for it would make us tired easily and failed, we also can not be too relax for it would make us lazy and failed.

( Come, See , Investigate, Think, Prove and then Believe it)

Sakyamuni Buddha taught the Ehipassiko lesson to a group of villagers in India called the Alarama Kalama. This was constitute of the high learning individual or people of high intellectuals living in India at that time, this group of people were very smart. So this  group of people( Alarama Kalama) asked the Buddha how can they tell which teachings is good for them( in India at that time , it had more than 100 different Sects) . Then Buddha replied:
 -Don't believe blindly.
- Don't  just believe because it has been written on your .......books.
- Don't  just  believe because it has been handed by many generations of your wise ancestors.
- Don't just believe because your teacher or your parents tell you so.
- Don't believe in anything I( Sakyamuni Buddha) tell you so, but after you come, you see,  and after a careful investigation, and you think the teachings is good for society, it teaches for loving kindness, when you develop the teaching it bring happiness not only to yourself but also to others. then this teaching is good, then you can follow this teachings.

The above discourse known in Buddhism as KALAMA SUTRA/SUTTA.

 Further Buddha taught if you can find some teachings good it's OK to  apply this teaching in their daily life. So don't get offended if a Buddhist ask you: Why?, How come? Any Prove?Any eyewitness?

The above script read: Lumbini lies in the tranquil South Western plains of Nepal. Here the Lord Buddha, the symbol of peace and the light of Asia, was born in 623 B.C. It is the holiest of the holy place for the followers of Buddhism........At this place the newly born prince Siddharta (simply known as Buddha) took his first seven steps and uttered an epoch making message to the suffering humanity. ...........
(Above photos, taken in 2007: The exact birthplace of Sakyamuni Buddha in Lumbini(Nepal)


Sakyamuni Buddha said everything in this world is impermanence. One day( it can be 100 years, or 100 trillion years) something/someone that exists today will be gone.
We live for 80 years and then we die, this is Anicca/impermanence.
We are very rich right now, but some day we will go bankrupt and become a poor people, this is Anicca.
This planet one day will be extinguished by it own because of the age. It can be millions or billions years from now.
We are strong and handsome/ beautiful but one day we will become old, weak and ugly. This is the impermanence of life. 


Sakyamuni Buddha teach a lot of  Dharmas all His life, but He said all his teaching can be summarized into a simple sentence, it's:

Refrain from doing Evil, Do lots of good deeds, that's the main teaching of the Buddha.


A. NO KILLING, Include here killing of animals.
B. NO STEALING, Include here stealing a small amount of money also consider as stealing.
In Mahayana tradition you take the oath of Five precepts from a Buddhist Monk/ Master and receive Triple Jewels ( Buddha,Dharma and Sangha), then you are officially a Buddhist followers.


-BUDDHA: Refers to founding of Buddhism: Sakyamuni Buddha
-DHARMA: The teachings of the Buddha.
-SANGHA: Assembly of Buddhist monks.

(Three baskets or three collections of the teaching of the Buddha).

- SUTRA PITAKA:  ( Collections of Sutras- Amitabha Sutra, Avatamsaka Sutra, Etc,)
-ABHIDHARMA:    ( Elaboration of the teaching of the  Buddhist Sutras/Dharma).


Saya menulis artikel berikut untuk memberikan umat buddha pengetahuan dasar tentang agama buddha:


Karma berasal dari bahasa sansekerta artinya: perbuatan yang kita lakukan pada masa lampau and sekarang akan mempunyai akibat / buah yang akan kita terima. Sakyamuni Buddha saat mencapai penerangan sempurna dia menyadari bahwa semua mahluk dilahirkan berulang-ulang karena karma yang mereka buat ( karma baik atau buruk) sebagai contoh: kalau anda banyak beramal pada kehiidupan lampau, anda akan mempunyai keuangan berlimpah pada kelahiran ini, tapi kalau pada kelahiran lampau anda kikir, maka kelahiran ini anda akan kekurangan uang.

- Adanya penderitaan/ Dukha
- Asal  penderitaan/ Dukha
- Lenyapnya penderitaan/Dukha
- Jalan untuk meleyapkan penderitaan/Dukha

-Pengertian yang benar
-Pikiran yang benar.
-Ucapan yang benar
-Mata pencaharian yang benar
-Usaha yang benar
-Perhatian yang benar
- Konsentrasi yang benar: melalui meditasi

 Sakyamuni Buddha saat menacapai penerangan sempurna menemukan bahwa jalan terbaik untuk mencapai pembebasan/ penerangan adalah dengan mempraktekkan Jalan Tengah.

Buddha mengumpamakan seseorang yang main gitar, kalau senar diputar/ di setel terlalu kencan , suaranya taidak akan enak didengar, sebaliknya kalau diputar terlalu lengang, suaranya juga tdk enak, tapi kalau senar gitar diputar seimbang/pas( tidak terlalu kencang dan tidak terlalu lengang) maka suara yang keluar adalah suara yang harmonis/indah.

( Datang,Lihat, Selidiki,Pikir,Bukti, dan Percaya)

Sakyamuni Buddha mengajarkan peajaran Ehipassiko kepada sekelompok suku di India bernama suku Alarama Kalama. Suku ini terdiri dari orang orang paling pintar di India waktu itu, kelompok orang orang ini sangat kritis(mendalam) cara berpikir mereka.

Pada saat itu kelompok suku ini bertanya pada Buddha: Manakah teachings yang bisa mereka terapkan ? Karena di India waktu itu terdapat ratusan  aliran-aliran teachings.

Buddha kemudian menjawab:
-Jangan percaya membabi buta
-Jangan percaya begitu saja karena itu ditulis di buku.......... kamu.
-Jangan percaya hanya karena itu diturunkan secara turun temurun dari generasi sebelumnya.
-Jangan percaya karena guru teachings  kamu mengatakanya padamu.
-Bahkan jangan percaya apa yang Buddha katakan padamu tapi setelah kamu: Datang sendiri, Lihat sendiri, Selidiki sendiri, Pikirkan secara mendalam, Buktikan sendiri , dan kamu setelah penyelidikan yang mendalam dan mendapatkan bahwa taechings itu membawa kebaikan buat masyarakat,itu mengajarkan cinta kasih yang universal( terhadap semua manusia tanpa pilih kasih).

 Dan waktu mempraktekkan ajaran ini, tdk saja membawa kebahagian buat diri kamu sendiri tapi juga membawa kebahagian dan manfaat buat orang lain, maka kamu boleh mempraktekkan teachings ini.


Buddha mengatakan semua yang ada di dunia ini adalah tidak kekal abadi. Suatu hari ( bisa 100 tahun, atau 100 trillion tahun) semua barang/manusia yang ada sekarang akan musnah.
Kita hidup sekitar 80 tahun  kemudian mati, ini adalah tidak kekal abadi. Kita sangat kaya tapi suatu hari kita bangkrut dan menjadi miskin, ini adalah tidak kekal abadi.

Planet bumi ini satu hari akan musnah dengan sendirinya karena usia tua. Lenyapnya bumi bisa jutaan tahun atau trillionan tahun dari sekarang..

Pada saat ini kita gagah dan tampan/ cantik, tapi suatu hari kita akan berubah jadi jelek dan tua. Ini adalah tidak kekal abadi.


Sakyamuni Buddha mengajarkan 84000 pintu Dharma, tapi Sakyamuni Buddha bilang semua ajaran dia bisa dirangkumkan ke satu kalimat pendek yaitu:
Jangan berbuat jelek/jahat, banyak- banyaklah menanam benih kebaikan. Itulah inti dari ajaran Buddha.


A. Jangan membunuh, termasuk disini membunuh binatang/hewan.
B. Jangan mencuri, termasuk disini mencuri duit dalam jumlah sekecil apapun.
C. Jangan bermabuk-mabukan
D. Jagan melakukan hal-hal a-susila.
E. Jangan berbohong.

Pada tradisi Mahayana, jika kamu bersumpah Pancasila( 5 Sila) dan tiga perlindungan( Tri ratna: Buddha ,Dharma, Sangha)  dari seoang Bhiksu maka kamu resmi menjadi umat Buddha.


-BUDDHA- Berlindung pada Buddha Sakyamuni
-DHARMA-Berlindung pada Dharma( Ajaran-Ajaran Buddha)
-SANGHA- Berlindung pada Sangha(Kumpulan suci Bhiksu/bhiksuni.)

-Sutra  Pitaka( koleksi ajaran Buddha- Sutra, seperti: Amitabha Sutra, Avatamsaka Sutra,dll)
-Vinaya ( aturan- aturan buat Bhiksu)
-Abhidharma( penjelasan lebih lanjut dari ajaran Buddha tentang Sutra/Dharma)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Video of a Buddhist who knew in advance his/her own departure.Part 1

One of my disciple here in USA told me about the interesting website  they found on you tube. And I showed it to some of my other disciples here( some of them are not Buddhists) and they really looked excited and watching all of the movie (length of the movie about 30 minutes). So I decided to put the link here for my other friends to see( I hope some of my friends in Indonesia will be able to see it also,OMITOFO). This link was taken  from youtube           part 1.          part 2      part 3       part 4.         part 5

I will give the translation here in English and Indonesia:
English Translation:

When people about to die with only 10 recitation of  Amitabha Buddha's names( with the conditions this people don't do 5 great offences and and he/she recite Buddha's name with single pointed and sincere mind then this Buddhist will be reborn in the Heaven of Amitabha Buddha.

Amitabha Buddha have 48 vows, and one of these vows is  that if a good person recite Amitabha Buddha's names sincerely and single pointed mind and wish to be reborn in Pureland(Heaven of Amitabha Buddha, then when their times comes , Amitabha Buddha will come and fetch them to the Heaven of Amitabha.

This story in this link happened in Kwang Dong, China, again this story prove the Compassionate power of Amitabha Buddha with his 48 vows to be true.

As you watch this short movie(it comes in 4 parts, 1 part last for about 9 minutes)

First part told about the temple where this particular Bhiksuni lived.It's in Shao Kuan, Kwang Dong, China.The temple was surrounded by beautiful scenery. This temple have about more than 20 Bhiksunis ( Nuns). It also said this temple practice the Pureland sect.

Bhiksuni Fa Cie was the name of this particular nun who passed away in 2004. She was originally came from He Nan, China. born in 1971 and became a  Buddhist nun in 1996. In 2000 she began the studious study of Pureland Sect.(  The sect or particular Buddhist group who devote most of their times reciting/praying to Amitabha Buddha).

Bhiksuni Fa Cie went to Henan in 2004. and she suffer Heart disease, she was hospitalized and three days later sent back to the temple and she passed away there.. That's all for part 1.

Part 2- It Showed temples' members conducting funeral ritual for Bhiksuni Fa Cie.

Part3- And this is the most interesting part........It showed when they cremated the body of this nun, many beautiful Sia Li Ce( in Buddhism,the remain of only a holy person will produce this kind of SiaLi Ce) was produced. This Sia Li Ce comes in many different colours as you can watch it yourself from the video.

Part 4 and Part 5, This is also very interesting, as a day after the cremation the sun outside the temple suddenly appeared to be illuminated with different kind of colour, and this sun emits a very strong light towards the temple where this nun lived. The presenter said this sunlight lasting in this kind of mode for 1 hour.

48 vows of Amitabha Buddhas were made by Amitabha Buddha 10 kalpas ago(according to Amitabha Sutra)*.
From these 48 vows, 3 are very imporatant aspects to sentient being living in this earth. These vows no: 18, 19 and 20 have a good direct impact to our lifes here. These 3 vows are:

Vow 18: If I become a Buddha, the beings of the ten directions who after hearing my name, and thus awakened their highest faith and aspiration of rebirth in my country, even they only have such a thought of ten times, they are destinied to be born there( with the exception those who created five big offences/karma and those who blasphemed the Dharma), otherwise I will not become a Buddha.

Vow 19: If I become a Buddha, the beings of ten directions, who have directed their thoughts towards the Bodhi and cultivate various merits in the hope of rebirth in my country ( will be born in my country), if at the moment of their death, I don't come to fetch them with my assembly of retinue, then I will not become a Buddha.

Vow 20: Provided I become a Buddha, if the beings of ten directions, after having heard my name and longing to be born there, and they cultivate various merits for the purpose to be born in my heaven( Sukhavati Heaven), if they expectation failed, then I will not become a Buddha.

Then the rest of the 48 vows are mainly concern about: the conditions/ the goodness in this heaven, and the characteristics of this heaven.
*according to Wikipedia,  kalpa(aoen) derived from Sangskrit word(कल्प kalpa). According to India's system, 1 kalpa is equal 4,32 billion years. So 10x4,32 billion=43,2 billion years.

Bahasa Indonesia:

Salah satu murid saya disini menceritakan tentang website yang menarik yg dia temukan, dan saya kira website ini cukup menarik untuk di muat disini.

Cerita ini  terjadi di kuil di Shao Kuan , China. kejadian ini membuktikan mukzizat dari kekuatan Buddha. Cerita ini dibagi menjadi 4 bagian, tiap bagian masa putar sekitar 9 menit.

Bagian pertama dari video:
Menceritakan dimana Bhiksuni ini tinggal yaitu di kuil di Shao Kuan, China. Pemanadangan sekitar kuil sanagat indah, ada air mancul alami, ada gunung, jarak kuil dari Shao Kuan sekitar 56 Km. Juga diceritakan ada sekitar 20-an Bhiksuni yang tinggal di kuil ini. Diceritakan kuil ini menganut sekte Pureland( Sekte Tanah Suci Amitabha ).

Kemudian ada upacara ritual untuk kremasi/pembakaran Bhiksuni Fa Cie yang baru meninngal. Bhiksuni Fa Cie berasal/ lahir di Henan, China, lahir tahun 1971, dan menjadi bhiksuni pada tahun 1996. Pada tahun 200 dia mulai dengan taat mengikuti sekte Pureland( sekte Tanah Suci Amitabha).

Pada tahun 2004 Biksuni Fa Cie pergi ke Henan dia dia menderita sakit jantung, diobati dirumah sakit, setelah 3 hari dia dikirim balik ke kuil di Shao Kuan, China, dan meninggal. Bagian pertama cerita berakhir disini.

Bagian 2 video. memperlihatkan anggota kuil pada sembahyang buat Bhiksuni Fa Cie.

Bagian 3 dari video meunjukkan Bhiksuni Fa Cie di kremasi/ di bakar. dan setelah proses pembakaran selesai, ditemukan banyak reliks( peninggalan bhiksu2 suci) beraneka warna, ada warna hijau, kuning, putih, dll. Salah satu bentuk relik menunjukkan sesosok Arahat. Dan beraneka bentuk reliks dengan warna warni.

Bagian 4. Memuat bagaimana matahari diluar kuil bersinar dengan aneh. Matahari di luar kuil satu hari setelah upacara pembakaran jasad Bhiksuin Fa Cie, menunjukkan sinar yang memancar ke 5 penjuru,  ada 5 ekar sinor kuning yang memancar keluar dan ada 1 sinar  putih dan kuning yang memancar langsung ke dalam kuil.

Bagian 5, Memuat sekitar  8 menit effek pancaran sinar matahari yg luar biasa aneh ke kuil dan sekitar kuil. Keadaan matahari yang demikian tidak akan ditemukan pada saat 2 biasa . Seumur hidup saya juga tidak pernah melihat effect sinar matahari yang demikian. Benar2 itulah power/kekuatan ajaib dari Sinar Buddha.

Silahkan lihat video di link dibawah ini, cukup klik saja link dibawah:           part 1.          part 2      part 3       part 4.         part 5

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Video of a Buddhist who knew in advance his own departure.Part 2

This was happened in Si Chuan, China. There was a Buddhist ( his name was Wei Guo Shiang) . He  foretold his own death date and time( he said Buddha told him he would passed away on month 2, date 5 and year 2003 of the Chinese calender.

Upasika( Buddhist lay people)Wei Guo Shiang was born in 4/4/1927 (Chinese calender). He accept the Buddhist Precept in 1997, and after 6 years of Buddhist practice, he was born in Pureland on 2/5/2003 (Chinese calender).

This video recall him as someone after studying Buddhism more deeply in 1997, developed a more compassion to others. Further he often printed Sutras(Teaching of Buddhas).
Wei Guo Shiang after learning he got cancer, he devoted all his time reciting Amitabha Buddha's names, with the purpose of rebirth in Pureland(Nirvana) of Amitabha Buddha. From that time on he gave up all worldly pursue.

On 1/25/2003( Chinese calender),11 days before he departed this world, he told a monk that while he was reciting Buddhas' names, Buddha told him, his end was near and Buddha would fetch him on 2/5/2003 at 12 pm (Chinese calender). This monk and others at the temple were happy hearing this news, so the monk decided to conduct 7 days farewell ceremony for him or 7 days of Buddha dharma prayer session.The monk further said on the last day( on the seventh day, that was on 2/5/2003 at 12 pm) then he could departed this world.The ceremony would start from 1/29/2003  to 2/5/2003 (Chinese calender).And as you watch the video, they conducted 7 days ceremony and all were recorded alive. And on the seventh day( 2/5/2003, at 12 pm), Wei Guo Shiang really departed this world and this event was recorded alive on the camera and thousands people were there as the witnesses.

On the last day before Wei Guo Shiang departed this world, he  sat comfortably in the chair ,bid farewell to Buddhist followers and thanks  them and departed this world  while reciting Buddha's names at 12 pm, 2/5/2003.
The link for the video is here:
From Youtube     Part 1   Part 2    Part 3      Part 4

48 vows of Amitabha Buddhas were made by Amitabha Buddha 10 kalpas ago(according to Amitabha Sutra)*.
From these 48 vows, 3 are very imporatant aspects to sentient being living in this earth. These vows no: 18, 19 and 20 have a good direct impact to our lifes here. These 3 vows are:

Vow 18: If I become a Buddha, the beings of the ten directions who after hearing my name, and thus awakened their highest faith and aspiration of rebirth in my country, even they only have such a thought of ten times, they are destinied to be born there( with the exception those who created five big offences/karma and those who blasphemed the Dharma), otherwise I will not become a Buddha.

Vow 19: If I become a Buddha, the beings of ten directions, who have directed their thoughts towards the Bodhi and cultivate various merits in the hope of rebirth in my country ( will be born in my country), if at the moment of their death, I don't come to fetch them with my assembly of retinue, then I will not become a Buddha.

Vow 20: Provided I become a Buddha, if the beings of ten directions, after having heard my name and longing to be born there, and they cultivate various merits for the purpose to be born in my heaven( Sukhavati Heaven), if they expectation failed, then I will not become a Buddha.
Then the rest of the 48 vows are mainly concern about: the conditions/ the goodness in this heaven, and the characteristics of this heaven.
*according to Wikipedia,  kalpa(aoen) derived from Sangskrit word(कल्प kalpa). According to India's system, 1 kalpa is equal 4,32 billion years. So 10x4,32 billion=43,2 billion years.


Video Tentang Umat Buddhist yang mengetahui kapan dia akan meninggal(atas petunjuk Buddha).
Peristiwa ini terjadi di Si Chuan, China, tahun 2003. Ada seorang umat Buddha namanya Wei Guo Shiang, dia mengatakan Buddha mengatakan pada dia bahwa dia akan dijemput tgl 5 bulan 2 , tahun 2003(tangalan China).

Wei Go Shiang dilahirkan di Si Chuan,tgal 4/4/1927. Dia di Kui I( di baptis sebagai Umat Buddha) pada tahun 1997, dan setelah 6 tahun dengan tekun mengucapkan nama Amitabha Buddha , dia dilahirkan di Nirwana pada tgl 2/5/2003.

Video ini juga melukiskan dia (setelah mendalami agama Budhha)sebagai seorang yang penuh welas asih, menyebarkan Buddhist Sutra keorang lain. Setelah mengetahui dia menderita kanker, Wei Guo Shiang akhirnya sadar dan dengan sugguh hati megucapkan nama Amitabha Buddha setiap hari dengan tekun, dan dia memutuskan untuk menjauhi segara kesenangan duniawi.

Pada tanggal January 25, 2003(tanggalan China),11 hari sebelumnya, sebelum Wei Guo Shiang meninggalkan dunia ini, dia memberitahu bhiksu di Guo Cheng Si, Si Chuan(China) bahwa saat dia sembahyang pada Buddha, dia mendapat bisikan dari Buddha bahwa dia akan dijemput pada tgl: 2/5/2003(Tanggalan China), Jam 12 siang. Bhiksu ini dan umat2 Buddha lainnya di kuil sangat gembira buat wei Guo Shiang atas kabar ini, maka mereka memutuskan untuk membikin perjamuan Dharma perpisahan selama 7 hari. Dimana pada hari ke tujuh mereka harap Weo Guo Shiang bisa pergi ke Nirwana setelah selesai Fa Hui, atau perayaan sembahyang Dharma. Perayaan Dharma ini di mulai Tanggal: 1/29/2003-2/5/2003 (berdasarkan tanggalan China).

Pada hari ketujuh, atau tgl 2/5/2003( dan peristiwa ini direkam hidup-hidup pakai video kamera) Wei Guo Shiang benar-benar meninggal . Detik-detik terakhir sebelum Jam 12 siang, dia masih terlihat mengucapkan terima kasih pada umat lainnnya, dan mengucapkan salam perpisahan, terus dia mengucapkan nama Amitabha Buddha berulang-ulang, kemudiantepat jam 12 siang dia meninggal dengan posisi duduk di kursi.

Video ini link nya ada di:
atau kalau diatas gak bisa dibuka, coba link youtube dibawah ini:, bagian 1 bagian 2  bagian 3  bagian 4

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Living With All Beings in Harmony and Peace and Always Wishing The Wellbeing of Others

(Above Picture: Asoka Pillar-India by King Asoka of India who promoted religious tolerance).
I contribute this section to World Peace and wish all living beings ( Christians, Catholics, Moslem's, Hinduisms, Buddhas and Other Religions) to live in harmony.

Hatred, prejudice, and selfishness, and the urge to be the best at the expense of others is not a good practice, it only leads to more suffering to both sides who are in conflicts. This life would be better if everyone can respect each other and treat each other equally without thinking their religion is the best or number 1.

In harmony , then we can together solve the world problems(  calamities, poverty, and etc). We will help each other without discriminating them on their religious belief, race, and gender. Doing so, this earth will become a much better and happier place to live.

I always like USA, for people here are more tolerance mostly, wherever I go around in USA (California)people will greet me, smile, and talk to me( although I know we have a different religious background, but having a different belief system does not mean we have to hate each other). Moreover people here are more faithful, sincere and loyal. I should remark here, American people are nice and kind.

It is a surprise that I can talk to  lots of people here(in USA- California) without mentioning the Buddhist teachings or Christian teachings. After all , people have the right to choose whatever they want to belief, or whatever they like.

Some Americans, they do not even meet a Buddhist monk all their life and this is a big surprise to me when I met one. Once I met and talk to a person here who ask me who I was,  and he said this was the first time he met a Buddhist monk and he said he was just so happy for that, and he shakes my hand over and over again. Other time they just asked me what is the robe I wore and what religion I belong to.

Sometimes you need to learn from other religions, and get what is good from their teaching. This is what was Buddha suggesting. Buddha said if you can find a good things(teaching) from other religions then go ahead and adapt  them. Well I think Tolerance( you can apply tolerance to other religions, to your friends, to other race as well) is a key to a Harmonious  and Peaceful life.


Bagian ini saya sajikan buat perdamaian dunia dan mendoakan semoga semua mahkluk hidup bahagia.
Kebencian, rasa curiga dan mementingkan diri sendiri dan dorongan untuk mejadi yang terbaik atas pengorbanan orang lain bukanlah prilaku yang baik. Ini hanya akan meciptakan penderitaan pada kedua pihak yang bersengketa. Hidup ini akan lebih baik jika semua orang bisa menghormati satu sama lain dan memperlakukan sesamanya tanpa pilih kasih tanpa memikirkan agama yang dia anut adalah yang paling baik.

Dengan penuh toleransi, tidak mementingakan diri sendiri kita bisa ikut menangulangi krisis dunia( kelaparan,kemiskinan, dan bencana alam). Kita bisa saling tolong menolong tanpa harus terikat dengan agama, ras, dan beda jenis kelamin. Kalau ini dilaksanakan maka bumi ini akan menjadi tempat hidup yang lebih baik dan membahagiakan.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


( Bodh Gaya Tree- The place where Siddhartha Gautama attained enlightenment. Picture taken in 2009)

( Bodh Gaya Tree- The place where Siddharta Gautama attained enlightenment. Picture taken in 2009)

When Buddha attained The Enlightenment under the bodhi tree he discovered people have been born again and again as long as they still have : Kilesa, Moha and Loba-
Kilesa is a mistake/sins (deluded mind)that we make , Moha is ignorant( no having right Buddha Dharma view) and Loba is being  Greedy. So people will be born again and again as long as they still have attachment to worldly affair( Greedy, Deluded mind,Ignorant)

Only after we don't cling for anything( money,power,sensual object) then we can cut the circle of rebirth( Samsara). This can be achieved by developing: SILA( set of moral conducts) , SAMADHI(right concentration), and PRAJNA( wisdom)---then we can end this circle of death and not coming to be reborn. It's not an easy job, thinking: oh ,well I am not going to be born again,  here we are all bound by our karma, we hit certain people today, in the next life we gonna repay them, so usually people will be reborn in almost the same location as his previous life. Average  people are being born again because of their attachment to their family( their fathers, mothers, wives, daughters, sons), also included here: Hate, Love, Revenge, Greedy, Selfishness, to sum up: their attachment to worldly affairs.

 When about to die, these people will have strong attachment to their wives or husbands, hoping to come back again to be reunited with their love one. People are so silly they even make a song that run like this: life after life we will be together.

Sakyamuni Buddha one day(using his penetration power) discovered that  his cousin(Nanda), had been together with Janapadakalyani as a wife and husband for 500 times of rebirth. So Nanda was very fond of his wife(Janapadakalyani) as they had been together for 500 times of birth circles( so strong this attachment they could not be separated more than 1 hours).

Their's attachment was so strong that Sakyamuni Buddha tried so many methods to separate them( Buddha wanted to make his cousin a monk) and it's failed, but finally Buddha found a good way to severe his cousin's attachment to his wife( I will not put the detail how Sakyamuni Buddha cleverly convinced Nanda to leave a home life because this story is too long). In short, finally Nanda became a monastic monk under Sakyamuni Buddha.

From the above account, I conclude the attachment to the people we love is very strong. Other people are more incline to attach to money. So they are  hoping to be coming back to look for more money, at the time when they die, they still wish they will come back next life to accumulate more wealth.( this is just one factor of so many factors that cause us to be reborn).

I remember my own auntie had some problem with money. She passed away already. She was always longing for money( and unfortunately she did not have much money in her life). So when she passed away I dreamed of giving her lots of money, and she sure she will be reborn with lots of money.

Also in my aunt life she loved to curse people. Her favorite sentence was: eat and you would burst your stomach. In Chinese or Teo Chiu dialect its sound: Ceng Tou. meaning go burst your stomach( when she ask other family member to eat). As a result when she was in her 50, she suffered big stomach disease, her stomach was very big with lots of water in it, and there was no cure for that .

So I advised her to repent her sins by burning incense stick, facing the sky and made a solemn promised/ vowed to regret her past deeds, said sorry to people who were offended by her action. After doing this repentance, one year later she passed away. Because of the seriousness of the matter that's why when she almost passed away I advise her to repent  her sins. It's always not to late to ask for forgiveness for the sins we did.

Now about reincarnation. Surprisingly around the world there are so many cases of Reincarnation. People remember their past lifes.
So here what Sakyamuni Buddha told us about people being born again and again because of their attachment is true. We are all being borned before, it's just we can not remember them. Well some people can remember it, usually if they died in a unnatural way. In Buddhism we also  lots of Chinese monks who can recall their previous life. It's said that Su Tung Po (the famous Chinese Poet lived few hundreds years ago) was the reincarnation of a Buddhist monk. That is why even Su Tong Po was a government official, but underneath his clothing, he wore monk's robe.

These extraordinary about reincarnation even occurred to people who don't believe it. The following link is about the reincarnation happened to different individuals in  USA.

This is a link to a person  in USA who recalled his past life as an painter artist.

And this is the link to an America boy who remembers his past life as a World War II Pilot. ABC News  was the one who conducting the interview with this boy, and many evidence comes out from this interview.                        Part 1

The above link will take you to several accurate prove of Reincarnation. According to Buddhism We are all coming back to repay our karma, also because we still have attachment to this world. our life is just like a big candle full of mud in it, then we got to purify them, that is to burn them with good deed, when we do lots of good deed, this candle would melt quick otherwise it will stay the same , and we exhausted all our karma, then there is no more flame in the candle then we achieve freedom of no rebirth.

Of course there are lots of methods in Buddhism how to achieve the true happiness/ the real heaven/ Nirvana/Nibbana. The usual methods is to do lots of good deed, as Sakyamuni Buddha said when he achieved Enlightenment, He said: Purify your mind, do lot of good deeds , that's all main teaching of the Buddha. Other methods such as: Meditation, reciting Sutras/mantras, reciting Amitabha Buddha's names.

Reincarnation is still  alien to Western people, but not to Easterners like China, Japan, India  and most Asian countries. So many cases have been recorded in the history of China about reincarnation/rebirth, and there is no way you can not believe them as the prove is just so obvious.

This human body when they reincarnate ,they only change form( male,female, ugly, good looking) but the soul is the same soul that have been born again and again. This soul will never die, only the body dies.
Usually some people get can know who they are in their previous lifes through dreams. If they often dream of the same objects or person again and again that's a connotation that this might be their previous life. Other people ,like small kids, their memory are more vivid, so they don't need to dream but they could just remember their previous life up to age 6 or 7. Why ? because kids minds are still pure that's why they can see their true nature/ previous life. Once they deluded their mind after age 7, they know all the material words, so no a pure mind anymore then they will no longer remember their previous lifes.

 What I want to emphasize is we are the product of our past and present  life's conducts, and our present conducts will have consequences to our future reincarnation/rebirth.
And this is the last convincing case of Reincarnation,posted in youtube.
Video About a  Woman With Two Faces/ Video Tentang Wanita Dengan Dua Wajah.
English Translation for this video:

A Woman With Two Faces
Another interesting real story about karma. This woman age 21 when she first grew the tumor on her face. ( Chiang Cui San- the name of this woman) grew tumor on her face, and this tumor become bigger and bigger until it just looked like an old lady face( so as a result she had two faces). Why 2 faces? Read this story more then you will find the answer.
 Day and night she would saw a male ghost form standing in front of her. She could see him but could not touch him. One night in a dream: an old lady ( that's look exactly the same as the old lady face on her other face). This old lady said: You caused the death of my son. Chiang Cui San reply: I've never harm anybody all my life. As soon as Chiang Cui San said this sentence( that she never harmed anybody), appeared before her a young woman dress in old fashion Chinese style dress ( this was the kind of dress they wore  three or four  hundreds years back in China (this young woman in old style dress was Chiang Cui San's previous life). Standing next to this young woman( Chiang Cui San's previous life) was a young man, and they just got married. In this dreamed: the young woman caused the death of her husband purposely. So the ghost/soul of this young man decided to take revenge by pursuing her in her next life. The mother of this young man also decided to take revenge.
That's how the soul/ ghost of this old lady becomes a tumor/cancer in the face of Chiang Cui San. After knowing the cause of her tumor( old lady face), Chiang Cui San finally decided to recite Amitabha Buddha's names diligently. Strangely, the soul/ the ghost of the old lady become friendlier. While almost fall asleep, this old lady( ghost) would wake her up and encourage her to recite Buddha's names more.
Finally this young woman passed away at age 39, however when cremated many relics( looks like jewels with many colours) were produced. This is the evidence that this young woman repaid her karma and born in  the heaven of Amitabha Buddha. This interesting video located at the bottom of this page.

Indonesian Translation for this video:
Wanita Dengan Dua Wajah
Cerita nyata tentang karma dan reinkarnasi. Tumor ini tumbuh dari kecil menjadi sangat besar. Pagi dan malam hari dia selalu melihat ada arwah berwujud laki laki berdiri di depan dia, bisa lihat tapi tidak bisa di sentuh, dia menjadi sangat ketakutan.

Pada suatu malam dalam mimpi datang seorang wanita tua/ juga sdh meninggal( ternyata wanita ini ibu dari arwah laki-laki yg sering muncul di depan dia) wanita ini berkata: kamu yang meyebabkan anak saya meninggal. Tapi dalam mimpi penderita tumor ini berkata seumur hidup dia tidak pernah mencelakai orang, begitu berkata begitu dalam mimpi, mendadak muncul bayangan wanita zaman kuno( zaman kerajaan Ching China), berpakain kuno dan disamping wanita ini( wanita kuno ini adalah penderita tumor pada kelahiran lampau) ada seorang laki-laki, tampaknya mereka segera akan menikah. Terjadi sesuatu dan pria ini mati( wanita ini penyebab kematian dia).

Maka itu pria ini bersumpah akan balas dendam dan arwah dia akan mencari wanita ini kemana saja. Begitu pula dengan ibu pria ini dia juga sangat dendam dan ingin membalas dendam. Maka dalam mimpi itu ibu pria ini bilang dia mencari penderita tumor ini sudah lama akhirnya ketemu juga. Kemudian mereka menjerma menjadi tumor di kepala wanita ini.
Setelah itu penderita tumor ini rajin sembahyang baca nama Amitabha Buddha, lama kelamaan arwah ini terpengaruh oleh kekuatan Buddha. Saat tertentu penderita tumor ini akan tertidur kelelahan dan arwah ini akan membangunkan dia buat sembahyang. Akhirnya wanita ini meninggal pada usia 39, dan di bakar dan ditemukan banyak Sarira, tanda bahwa sembahyang dia telah berhasil dan di lahirkan di surga Amitabha.

Video: Woman With Two Faces/ Video Wanita Dengan Dua Muka: This is the link for this video: