Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Vegetarian Cat/ Bird/ Rooster Who Pray To Buddha

1. A Rooster  That  Recite Amitabha Buddha's Names  From The Past

Actually about five hundreds years ago(approximately), it's recorded  there were two chicken: one male and one female. These two chickens were always present when the monks were reciting the sutras, by the end of sutra recitation they would follow the monks reciting Amitabha's names in walking meditation procession( well it's not like they really could say Omitofo, but they make a noise as if saying Omitofo).

This event going on for several years. Then these( hen and rooster) were getting old, but they still follow the monks reciting Buddha's names. One day while all the monks after ending their Buddha's recitation prepare to leave, this rooster still standing there in the Buddha hall, later they realized this rooster died while reciting Buddha's names.

So now only a hen was remain faithful following the monks reciting the Buddha's names. Then one day, she too passed away standing in the middle of Buddha's hall after finishing reciting Buddha's names.

It's unfortunate we don't have the video for this event( the rooster that mindful of the Buddha) as 500 years ago people still did not have video/photo to record this extraordinary event. We really hope  and wish  video recorder existed 500 years ago.


Sebetulnya kira-kira 500 thaun yang lalu, dalam buku yang di catat turun temurun, terdapat 2 ekor ayam, jantan dan betina. Ke dua ekor ayam ini selalu ikut bersama Bhiksu2 membaca sutra dan mengucapkan nama Buddha. Pada saat pembacaan sutra selesai mereka akan ikut Bhiksu2 mengeliling Buddha sambil membaca Namo Omitofo ( Namo Amitabha Buddha). Tentu saja mereka bukan benar2 bisa bersuara kayak manusia, tapi mereka berkokok kokok seolah olah mereka lagi baca Omitofo.

Kejadian ini terjadi beberapa tahun. Kemudian ayam jantan dan betina ini menjadi makin tua, tapi mereka tetap rajin ikut baca Omitofo. Satu hari sewaktu pembacaan nama Omitofo (Amitabha Buddha) selesai dan Bhiksu2 bersiap-siap akan meninggalkan ruangan, mereka heran karena ayam jantan berdiri tegak di tempatnya tanpa bergerak, setelah mereka periksa ternyata ayam jantan ini meninggal di saat terakhir mereka habis mengucapkan nama Buddha.

Sekarang tinggal ayam betina yang masih hidup, dan dia ini juga masih setia ikut Bhiksu2 membaca nama Buddha saat sembahyang. Satu hari ayam betina ini juga meninggal persis di saat saat terkahir mereka membaca nama Amitabha Buddha.

Tidak beruntung  500 tahun yang lalu tidak ada video kalau tidak kita bisa lihat bersama rekaman video mereka.



My friend sent me an article about a cat who don't eat meat, and the cat  will sit in front of the statue of the Buddha for hours( the cat  will just eat and stare(pray) to  Buddha) without moving. This one is unusual cat.  The Nun found this cat around the temple, when she found this cat, it  was in bad condition, this  cat was wounded because of burned injuries. So the Nun decided to keep the cat, but she told the cat that she/he must obey 3 things:
1. No Killing of other animals.
2. No noise inside the temple.
3. No meat -eating.

So this cat become a vegetarian, even when they offer meat to this cat, this cat refused to eat it. And this cat was fond of Buddha statue, it would sit in front of the Buddha statue and stare at it for  many hours(video said it stare at the Buddha for 4 hours).

The location of the temple is: Long Xin temple, Korea.


Please paste above link into your browser. Then click enter.

‎​Kucing vegetarian, kucing ini tidak mau makan daging, meskipun dipaksa makan dia tidak mau. Dan hobbynya duduk di depan patung Buddha dan memandangnya dengan berjam jam tanpa bergerak. Tidak mau diajak keluar, bermain. Dia hanya keluar buat makan saja.

Ia ditemukan oleh seorang bhiksuni  dalam keadaan luka bakar. Dan diberi 3 aturan, yaitu tidak boleh bersuara didalam kuil, tidak boleh makan daging, dan tidak boleh membunuh.


A small bird that can sing/ recite  Amitabha Buddha in our modern time/ in 2013. This bird has been taken cared of by a temple in Taiwan. When the monks there recite the Omitofo everyday, one day this bird strange can recite Omitofo, Omitofo, Omitofo, since then this bird diligently reciting Omitofo. This is the link for this video:



Burung yang bisa mengucapkan nama Omitofo (Amitabha Buddha). Burung ini sejak kecil di rawat kuil di Taiwan. Tiap hari  Bhiksu2 disana mengucapkan Omitofo. Pada suatu hari ternyata burung ini juga bisa mengucapkan Omitofo dan nama ini disebutkan berulang-ulang oleh burung ini seperti manusia.