Saturday, January 29, 2011


( Bodh Gaya Tree- The place where Siddhartha Gautama attained enlightenment. Picture taken in 2009)

( Bodh Gaya Tree- The place where Siddharta Gautama attained enlightenment. Picture taken in 2009)

When Buddha attained The Enlightenment under the bodhi tree he discovered people have been born again and again as long as they still have : Kilesa, Moha and Loba-
Kilesa is a mistake/sins (deluded mind)that we make , Moha is ignorant( no having right Buddha Dharma view) and Loba is being  Greedy. So people will be born again and again as long as they still have attachment to worldly affair( Greedy, Deluded mind,Ignorant)

Only after we don't cling for anything( money,power,sensual object) then we can cut the circle of rebirth( Samsara). This can be achieved by developing: SILA( set of moral conducts) , SAMADHI(right concentration), and PRAJNA( wisdom)---then we can end this circle of death and not coming to be reborn. It's not an easy job, thinking: oh ,well I am not going to be born again,  here we are all bound by our karma, we hit certain people today, in the next life we gonna repay them, so usually people will be reborn in almost the same location as his previous life. Average  people are being born again because of their attachment to their family( their fathers, mothers, wives, daughters, sons), also included here: Hate, Love, Revenge, Greedy, Selfishness, to sum up: their attachment to worldly affairs.

 When about to die, these people will have strong attachment to their wives or husbands, hoping to come back again to be reunited with their love one. People are so silly they even make a song that run like this: life after life we will be together.

Sakyamuni Buddha one day(using his penetration power) discovered that  his cousin(Nanda), had been together with Janapadakalyani as a wife and husband for 500 times of rebirth. So Nanda was very fond of his wife(Janapadakalyani) as they had been together for 500 times of birth circles( so strong this attachment they could not be separated more than 1 hours).

Their's attachment was so strong that Sakyamuni Buddha tried so many methods to separate them( Buddha wanted to make his cousin a monk) and it's failed, but finally Buddha found a good way to severe his cousin's attachment to his wife( I will not put the detail how Sakyamuni Buddha cleverly convinced Nanda to leave a home life because this story is too long). In short, finally Nanda became a monastic monk under Sakyamuni Buddha.

From the above account, I conclude the attachment to the people we love is very strong. Other people are more incline to attach to money. So they are  hoping to be coming back to look for more money, at the time when they die, they still wish they will come back next life to accumulate more wealth.( this is just one factor of so many factors that cause us to be reborn).

I remember my own auntie had some problem with money. She passed away already. She was always longing for money( and unfortunately she did not have much money in her life). So when she passed away I dreamed of giving her lots of money, and she sure she will be reborn with lots of money.

Also in my aunt life she loved to curse people. Her favorite sentence was: eat and you would burst your stomach. In Chinese or Teo Chiu dialect its sound: Ceng Tou. meaning go burst your stomach( when she ask other family member to eat). As a result when she was in her 50, she suffered big stomach disease, her stomach was very big with lots of water in it, and there was no cure for that .

So I advised her to repent her sins by burning incense stick, facing the sky and made a solemn promised/ vowed to regret her past deeds, said sorry to people who were offended by her action. After doing this repentance, one year later she passed away. Because of the seriousness of the matter that's why when she almost passed away I advise her to repent  her sins. It's always not to late to ask for forgiveness for the sins we did.

Now about reincarnation. Surprisingly around the world there are so many cases of Reincarnation. People remember their past lifes.
So here what Sakyamuni Buddha told us about people being born again and again because of their attachment is true. We are all being borned before, it's just we can not remember them. Well some people can remember it, usually if they died in a unnatural way. In Buddhism we also  lots of Chinese monks who can recall their previous life. It's said that Su Tung Po (the famous Chinese Poet lived few hundreds years ago) was the reincarnation of a Buddhist monk. That is why even Su Tong Po was a government official, but underneath his clothing, he wore monk's robe.

These extraordinary about reincarnation even occurred to people who don't believe it. The following link is about the reincarnation happened to different individuals in  USA.

This is a link to a person  in USA who recalled his past life as an painter artist.

And this is the link to an America boy who remembers his past life as a World War II Pilot. ABC News  was the one who conducting the interview with this boy, and many evidence comes out from this interview.                        Part 1

The above link will take you to several accurate prove of Reincarnation. According to Buddhism We are all coming back to repay our karma, also because we still have attachment to this world. our life is just like a big candle full of mud in it, then we got to purify them, that is to burn them with good deed, when we do lots of good deed, this candle would melt quick otherwise it will stay the same , and we exhausted all our karma, then there is no more flame in the candle then we achieve freedom of no rebirth.

Of course there are lots of methods in Buddhism how to achieve the true happiness/ the real heaven/ Nirvana/Nibbana. The usual methods is to do lots of good deed, as Sakyamuni Buddha said when he achieved Enlightenment, He said: Purify your mind, do lot of good deeds , that's all main teaching of the Buddha. Other methods such as: Meditation, reciting Sutras/mantras, reciting Amitabha Buddha's names.

Reincarnation is still  alien to Western people, but not to Easterners like China, Japan, India  and most Asian countries. So many cases have been recorded in the history of China about reincarnation/rebirth, and there is no way you can not believe them as the prove is just so obvious.

This human body when they reincarnate ,they only change form( male,female, ugly, good looking) but the soul is the same soul that have been born again and again. This soul will never die, only the body dies.
Usually some people get can know who they are in their previous lifes through dreams. If they often dream of the same objects or person again and again that's a connotation that this might be their previous life. Other people ,like small kids, their memory are more vivid, so they don't need to dream but they could just remember their previous life up to age 6 or 7. Why ? because kids minds are still pure that's why they can see their true nature/ previous life. Once they deluded their mind after age 7, they know all the material words, so no a pure mind anymore then they will no longer remember their previous lifes.

 What I want to emphasize is we are the product of our past and present  life's conducts, and our present conducts will have consequences to our future reincarnation/rebirth.
And this is the last convincing case of Reincarnation,posted in youtube.
Video About a  Woman With Two Faces/ Video Tentang Wanita Dengan Dua Wajah.
English Translation for this video:

A Woman With Two Faces
Another interesting real story about karma. This woman age 21 when she first grew the tumor on her face. ( Chiang Cui San- the name of this woman) grew tumor on her face, and this tumor become bigger and bigger until it just looked like an old lady face( so as a result she had two faces). Why 2 faces? Read this story more then you will find the answer.
 Day and night she would saw a male ghost form standing in front of her. She could see him but could not touch him. One night in a dream: an old lady ( that's look exactly the same as the old lady face on her other face). This old lady said: You caused the death of my son. Chiang Cui San reply: I've never harm anybody all my life. As soon as Chiang Cui San said this sentence( that she never harmed anybody), appeared before her a young woman dress in old fashion Chinese style dress ( this was the kind of dress they wore  three or four  hundreds years back in China (this young woman in old style dress was Chiang Cui San's previous life). Standing next to this young woman( Chiang Cui San's previous life) was a young man, and they just got married. In this dreamed: the young woman caused the death of her husband purposely. So the ghost/soul of this young man decided to take revenge by pursuing her in her next life. The mother of this young man also decided to take revenge.
That's how the soul/ ghost of this old lady becomes a tumor/cancer in the face of Chiang Cui San. After knowing the cause of her tumor( old lady face), Chiang Cui San finally decided to recite Amitabha Buddha's names diligently. Strangely, the soul/ the ghost of the old lady become friendlier. While almost fall asleep, this old lady( ghost) would wake her up and encourage her to recite Buddha's names more.
Finally this young woman passed away at age 39, however when cremated many relics( looks like jewels with many colours) were produced. This is the evidence that this young woman repaid her karma and born in  the heaven of Amitabha Buddha. This interesting video located at the bottom of this page.

Indonesian Translation for this video:
Wanita Dengan Dua Wajah
Cerita nyata tentang karma dan reinkarnasi. Tumor ini tumbuh dari kecil menjadi sangat besar. Pagi dan malam hari dia selalu melihat ada arwah berwujud laki laki berdiri di depan dia, bisa lihat tapi tidak bisa di sentuh, dia menjadi sangat ketakutan.

Pada suatu malam dalam mimpi datang seorang wanita tua/ juga sdh meninggal( ternyata wanita ini ibu dari arwah laki-laki yg sering muncul di depan dia) wanita ini berkata: kamu yang meyebabkan anak saya meninggal. Tapi dalam mimpi penderita tumor ini berkata seumur hidup dia tidak pernah mencelakai orang, begitu berkata begitu dalam mimpi, mendadak muncul bayangan wanita zaman kuno( zaman kerajaan Ching China), berpakain kuno dan disamping wanita ini( wanita kuno ini adalah penderita tumor pada kelahiran lampau) ada seorang laki-laki, tampaknya mereka segera akan menikah. Terjadi sesuatu dan pria ini mati( wanita ini penyebab kematian dia).

Maka itu pria ini bersumpah akan balas dendam dan arwah dia akan mencari wanita ini kemana saja. Begitu pula dengan ibu pria ini dia juga sangat dendam dan ingin membalas dendam. Maka dalam mimpi itu ibu pria ini bilang dia mencari penderita tumor ini sudah lama akhirnya ketemu juga. Kemudian mereka menjerma menjadi tumor di kepala wanita ini.
Setelah itu penderita tumor ini rajin sembahyang baca nama Amitabha Buddha, lama kelamaan arwah ini terpengaruh oleh kekuatan Buddha. Saat tertentu penderita tumor ini akan tertidur kelelahan dan arwah ini akan membangunkan dia buat sembahyang. Akhirnya wanita ini meninggal pada usia 39, dan di bakar dan ditemukan banyak Sarira, tanda bahwa sembahyang dia telah berhasil dan di lahirkan di surga Amitabha.

Video: Woman With Two Faces/ Video Wanita Dengan Dua Muka: This is the link for this video: